Tempt My Tummy Tuesday

We’ve had this recipe for the better part of ten years now, and it’s our go-to smoothie recipe. Perfect for breakfast, an after-school snack, or anytime! In place of the Carnation instant breakfast, I’ve also used vanilla protein powder (the kids had no idea…bwa ha ha ha ha!). We also usually use a whole frozen banana in place of a half banana; it makes it much more like a milkshake.


Blue Monkey Smoothie

The name makes this healthy smoothie a hit with the kids.

Prep Time: 5 min.

* 1 cup fat free milk
* 1 container (8 oz.) blueberry fat free yogurt
* 1 packet Classic French Vanilla NESTLÉ CARNATION INSTANT BREAKFAST
* 1/2 cup frozen unsweetened blueberries
* 1/2 banana


Place milk, yogurt, NESTLE CARNATION INSTANT BREAKFAST, blueberries and banana in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.

Serving Size: 2

* For added variety, blend in any flavor of fat free yogurt or unsweetened berries.
* For a frostier drink, omit yogurt and blend in 1 cup (about 2 large scoops) of your favorite fat free frozen yogurt.

For more great recipes, stop by Tempt My Tummy Tuesday at Blessed With Grace.